Sunday, May 12, 2019

Too Cool for Skool

Merchants of “Cool”

 Although merchants of cool was a documentary made into thousand and one, it still seems like these are parents trying to crack a code of teenagers When in reality they’re making it more complicated than it should be.  I believe that each generation has their own definition of “cool.”  Back in high school, my dad wore a leather jacket and drove around his motorcycle. In the eyes of my mom, she was “the coolest kid on the block”  which still makes me laugh today because these were her exact words. I believe that there’s a boundary  between how much parents can’t understand about the children of this generation. Each generation has split and one generation cannot fully comprehend that of another because they aren’t immersed in the culture and environment as said generation.  Since even in 2001,  A majority of the economy is made up of teenagers. So companies often try to break their way into the “cool” environment In order to better market their products.  Finding the trendsetters  what is the main point of the documentary so far but in today’s culture I’m not so sure teenagers even use this term anymore..
 The reason I say there’s a split between generations is because every time  I have to explain a joke to my mom or dad multiple times before they actually understand.  Just approve my own theory I did a little experiment with my dad and tried to explain to him what a flex was. It took us about 35 minutes and if I had a dollar for every time he asked me why? I might be able to afford that new car I want.  He asked me for an example of what a “flex”  was and I explained to him Yeezy‘s were a flex. After showing  him a picture, he was more confused than when he first asked. His response was “these shoes shouldn’t be worth nearly as much as they’re sold for. Why would someone spend so much money on shoes? All you do is walk in them.”  I couldn’t explain why people would want to wear this and could only tell him it wasn’t about how it looks but the status it gives you.  As I was writing this, he agreed with my ideology that this was a cycle in which the generations have a split.He said even when he was a teenager and was riding his motorcycle, his parents would still question his decision saying how it was just another mode of transportation but more dangerous.  The reason these larger companies are successful in their marketing and selling of their products is because  heads of advertisement departments are paid to understand the culture to the best of their ability and produce products that cater to the needs of the consumers.


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  2. I agree with the fact that many teenagers buy things for status. There would be no reason to buy expensive shoes, if you could buy ones that looked exactly the same, but was made by a different brand. I think that the teenagers should not be spending their parents money like that, because we all know that they most likely do not have jobs. More and more teens are becoming more materialistic, and the market is flourishing because of that. I also think that it is hard for parents to understand our generation is because we have made up our own culture that they never were surrounded by.
