Sunday, May 12, 2019

Asian Community on the Rise

Asian Representation in Movies

 Not to sound like a complete social justice warrior or anything but I really appreciate that the Asian community is getting a larger role in the movie  Industry. I honestly remember thinking a few years ago about how Asians are sort of like the punching bags of society. Not just in movies where  often they are the laughingstock of the entire film but outside the movie sets as well. When some racist comment was made back in 2015-2016, Specifically towards Asians, everyone would just go along with the joke and nobody stood up or commented or even said hey that’s a little bit racist. Other minority groups would often get a bit more respect  and someone would speak out against any racist comments even if it was purely a joke. It honestly bothered me that at the time,  I am most likely wouldn’t have done anything myself. I let myself believe that I was deserving of these comments just because of my ethnicity.
Not even in just the movie industry but also on social media platforms just Instagram and Twitter, I’ve seen those of Asian ethnicities stand up an out rage against not reall not even in just the movie industry but also on social media platforms just Instagram and Twitter, I’ve  seen the Asian community and out rage due to the inconsiderate and  flat out racist behaviors from those of other ethnicities. With all that said let’s get back to the main point of the movie industry.  Shows and movies such as fresh off the boat, to all the boys I’ve loved before, and crazy Rich Asians has given the Asian community an opportunity  of relevance in the near future. I think the goal is to get these movies to not be  predominately white males and to mix it up a bit. Possibly thats just a bias because of my heritage but I would be much more eager to see a movie where the main role wasn’t the stereotypical cis gender straight white male. Movie companies can actually take advantage of this and encourage a larger audience to see their movies.


  1. i completely agree. it is important for younger people of color to see representation of their ethnicity and heritage in media. it may not seem like a big deal, but it is important to make sure young kids grow up knowing their background is valid and should be appreciated (instead of longing to be the cool white girl). it is also important, like you said, that this representation isn't racist or over the top stereotypical to the point they're a laughing stock.

  2. The fact that you had to apologize for being an SJW is so frustrating. You aren't some childish complainer just because you celebrate diversity! This isn't my place to speak on, but here I go- I feel like racism against the Asian community is often completely disregarded. While some of the stereotypes may be "positive" they still have a negative effect on people's perception of themselves and can be very harmful. This is especially true in media, where Asians are represented as monolithic (*cough*) even though there is such a wide range of diveristy! It is wonderful to finally see some progress being made and seeing represenation from all parts of Asia.
