Friday, April 26, 2019

Someone Great

Someone Great (It’s on Netflix)

So it’s no secret that being the blue, emotional, hormone-fueled teenager that I am, I love romance movies. Not even just movies but shows, books, ect. Something has always appealed to me about emotions and screaming “BUT SHE LOVED YOU” at the television. So this movie really threw me for a spin.

This movie is practically the opposite of what I normally watch. Heres the jist of the movie. Theres this young woman around the age of 28 and she has just been accepted into her dream job in the heart of California. The only problem is she lives in NewYork. Still she was ecstatic and told her boyfriend of 9 years that she was going to move to California for this once in a lifetime opportunity. However her boyfriend is afraid things won’t work out and avoids the future pain of a long distance relationship there and then. This is only the first 20ish minutes. 

The rest of the movie is about her leaving NewYork with a bang. She decides to go to a concert with her 2 best friends. While preparing for the big day everywhere they go she sees memories of the her and her boyfriend in the early “honeymoon” stages of their relationship. I don’t want to spoil the movie so this is all i’ll say.

The reason this surprised me was because I don’t like sad movies. I still don’t but for some reason this movie spoke to me. I think it’s possibly because of the many relatable situations of  this movie about overthinking and seeing someone that you miss through places to use to go to get together. I think this spoke to me so much because it wasn’t a traditional love story of  Romeo and Juliet I have two forbidden lovers. It’s also because no filmmaker has been ballsy enough to make a movie based on a break up.  On paper this doesn’t sound like a selling movie idea In the slightest but hey Netflix made it work. In all honesty I’m not sure where this media blog is even going but if you have an hour or two I would highly recommend seeing this movie.  Even if you have a strong hatred for romance movies I would still highly recommend watching this one.

Emotion Appeals

The Brainwashing Behind Ads

On a daily basis, I watch at least 2-4 hours of youtube. In turn this means I watch a load of ads since Youtubers typically place 2-3 ads in each video to produce ad revenues. So naturally there are techniques that come along with purchasing these ads and having the consumers make impulse purchase.  Some make us laugh some make us feel emotional but others trigger a subconscious needs or desires.
 Ads often have a subliminal message behind their advertisements influencing us to make purchases  that we normally wouldn’t make. I’ve been in a situation before where a company advertises something that I would never buy but because of the advertising technique that they used, I somehow ended up with three new bottles of perfume for my mom.  Everything from the words,  to visuals, and even the color schemes have a subconscious meaning that we associate with often creating a positive persona that Persuade you to purchase this one product. One of the companies that Has trick to my own mother would be dove kno has trick to my own mother would be dawn. It’s mostly from all the commercials that she watches of someone washing a duck and saying the soap is so  harmless so you can even  wash a baby duck with no problem. And in addition to  The cute duckling on the commercial, it’s also featured on the label. It’s not my mother’s fault but she has a soft spot for cute animals.  So this sort of hypnosis  is what made her come back from Cosco with six bottles of this dishwasher soap that isn’t even that effective but they got her right where they wanted her, in a trance because of a little duckling on the label.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Disney’s Transition

The maturity difference between the 2 writers is quite obvious as we read seeing as how Fox news writers use actual facts to back up why they think the salary of Bob Iger is, as both articles put it, “insane.” However CNN uses a less mature style of writing to explain why Bob Iger doesn’t deserve the salary he has inherited.

In the Fox news article, Bob Iger has a $66 million dollar salary. The comparison that the writer makes is that he makes the median of 1565 disney workers. With his newly aquired salary, he could give every worker of disney a 15% wage increase and still pocket about $10 million into his salary. Iger’s $65.6 million in compensation was largely tied to stock grants after Disney’s acquisition of Fox television and film assets, which closed earlier this year. The heiress has refused to specify the size of her inheritance but has announced that she has donated $70 million to charity. Her words were “If I wanted to be a billionaire, I could”

In the CNN article, His pay was  largely boosted by long-term incentives associated with his contract extension, which was announced in accordance with the deal for Disney to purchase a majority 21st Century Fox. In the article she is surrounded my criticism saying “at least respect the dignity of those you pay.” She has responded saying that those who contribute to making a successful business for Disney will be paid going so far even to say that employees and CEO’s in the past were paid too much. With the increase of Disney’s company as a whole rising from $75 million to $132 million, many workers for Disney feel they are being mistreated since the company is going through such a large increase financially. 

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Pursuaders Behind Advertisements

The Persuaders Behind Advertisements
Image result for persuasion
As stated on my media post, I have a small (pretty large) addiction to my phone. My second most used app would have to be YouTube averaging at the minimum of 6 hours a week. And unless you've been living under a rock, you know that youtubers and companies make money off of  ads that are placed on youtuber's videos earning them ad revenue. Some ads that are longer than 10-15 seconds often have a "skip ad" button after 5 seconds of being on screen but even though they give you the option to skip, Their goal is often to keep you watching the ad as long as possible.

The main goal of the ads that are longer than 15 seconds that allow you to skip is to pull you in during the first 5 seconds with some outrageous claim or famous actor that people idolize. The people behind the advertisements know the people will be attracted to this claim so they try to make it as eye-catching as possible. Thats why the "This simple step will lose you 10 pounds in a week!" advertisements are so popular. They make too good to be true claims in order for you to stay longer because even though you know off the top of your head that something is too good to be true, deep down you hope that it is true. Nobody doesn't want cheat codes for life and this is what advertisers feed off of. They lock on to that hope of having something thats too good to be true and use it to try and reel you in and keep you hypnotized for as long as humanly possible. Another way advertisers reel watchers in is using famous actors or singers that are idolized. One of the most common ways they're used is when advertisers give them products for free and in exchange they send a video back of them saying how good the product is in turn making people want to buy them because their favorite celebrity has them. I've been a victim of this as I saw one of my favorite youtubers sent a plush from Japan of Gudetama (look it up I actually can't describe it) and even though it was $30 and $8 shipping from Japan, I still had to buy it even though now all it does is sit with all my other plushies being neglected on my bed.

Politics In The English Langue Response

Politics In the English Language Response
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The article "Politics and the English Language" is an article I had heard much about however never found the time to read. After reading it in class, the first thing that came to mind was all of freshmen year essays where I looked at every word that sounded too casual and jammed it into to find an alternative.
A large point in the article is about the corruption on the idea of sounding smart and it's affect on the English language. Especially politicians using words that they don't understand in an attempt to sound smarter and more qualified then they actually are. This unfortunately backfires because their audience doesn't know what that 18 syllable word means either. A great example of showing your understanding of a topic is if you can explain it to a child. If you know your topic so well that you can convey it to a child with no problems at all using the most simple language, that could should your qualifications rather than using vocabulary you don't understand. Another major point that Orwell passes to the reader is that many writers use overused sayings, metaphors, and similes. He explains that the more you use it, the more dull it becomes, losing the full meaning and imagery behind the saying. On the other side of this coin, a well thought and put together metaphor can strike the reader where it counts, especially in a persuasive or argumentative article. As Orwell puts it "The result, in general, is an increase in slovenliness and vagueness." Orwell doesn't only target the problems of English but other languages as well such as German, Russian, and Italian dialects seeing as how they have deteriorated in the last 10-15 years as a result of dictatorship. In this article however Orwell does provide a solution. If people including politicians actively resist the urge to add words they don't understand, this could potentially stabilize the current situation that the English language is in reverting it back to it's best form.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

My Relationship With Media

My Relationship With Media

Media has now just become a part of my everyday life. From when I wake up for school at 6am to God knows when I fall asleep. Social media apps have become an unhealthy obsession that has wrapped it’s claws around my ever day life. It’s extremely easy to fall into a rabbit hole of social media for hours without even realizing it.

Like the large majority of teenagers in todays day and age media is in every aspect of my life from using it for homework or to just pass the time. Any free time I have Instagram is my go to for wasting time. One Saturday I checked how long I had actually used the app and I saw I had been on Instagram for about 9 hours. Then I thought about how if I had spent 1 of those 9 hours studying for a test, I could potentially raise my grade. That was just the use of Instagram. I then checked my use of YouTube for the day and it read 6 hours. So in total I had been on my phone for 15 hours in total. 15 hours. Thats more than half of the hours in a day. I realized that I had an unhealthy attachment to my phone. Whenever I wasn't staring at my screen, time would move so slowly and every action I did but seem like it took forever. These apps are designed to keep us in the app and they were successful. Everything in digital media happens so fast that it actually alters our reality of time. I  decided enough was enough and that I would see how long I could swear off of social media. Taking baby steps I deleted Instagram which, as you can probably tell, didn't last long. After about a week I was filled with boredom that I just redownloaded it without even thinking. Social media platforms do such a good job keeping you attached so that overall my social media experience is mostly negative. In writing this media blog I have taken at least 7 "breaks" and went on Instagram for 5-15 minutes.