Sunday, May 19, 2019

Do 9 Year Olds Need An Iphone XsMax

Do 9 Year Olds Need An Iphone XsMax

This weekend I attended the wildlife camp 4H On the Wild Side. This camp was high up on the mountains of Nevada City where this weekend it was pouring rain. This was a camp for 4th-6th graders from public schools for kids to learn about biology and the environment. They chose to attend this camp which specified that there was no cell service and they were here to learn about biological topics chose by the staff here. Which is why I was so surprised by the fact that a majority of the kids were so uninterested in the curriculum. Actually you know what I take it back because I most likely would be daydreaming as well if I was there age so that part I could understand. However the thing that surprised me the most were the amount of kids that were on their cell phones playing games or trying to find service. I thought, rather I had hoped that these kids would bring out some card game or board game or even just talk to their classmates about something, anything. Instead they all pulled out their phones and started playing some video game. The thing that baffled me most was that each of these kids had an iPhone 8 and above. One of the kids in my cabin even had an iPhone XsMax. I have the same phone and I already feel guilty for having such an expensive phone but for someone 7 years younger than me. I remember my first phone was when I was at promotion from 6th grade to 7th grade. After a year of begging my parents finally decided to get me a phone. It was a green iPhone 5c which had already come out for 2 years. It wasn't a terrible phone but it was already more advanced than I needed. Seeing these kids makes me cringe a bit to wonder what was going through their parents' heads when buying their 9 year old child a phone worth the price of a laptop while they're still in grade school.

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